【Date】Tuesday 27 July 2021 16:30-18:00 Tokyo
( 8:30 London | 9:30 Brussels | 15:30 Singapore Monday 26 July 2021 21:30 Hawaii)

【Title】Book Talk ”Defenders of Japan: The Post-Imperial Armed Forces 1946-2016”

【Speaker】 Garren Mulloy (Daito Bunka University)


【Seminar】Full open

We are happy to invite you to a Zoom book talk with Garren Mulloy of Daito Bunka University on his latest book: Defenders of Japan The Post-Imperial Armed Forces 1946-2016, A History (Hurst & Co., London, 2021.).

This books charts the development of the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) as both unorthodox military institutions and loyal servants of a civil society that decries militarism. Investigating JSDF contributions to Japanese and global security, how they evolved during and after the Cold War, and the likely reconfiguration of contributions to meet Japan’s future security needs, Mulloy offers insights into the Forces’ past, present, and future. He also examines the Forces’ post-war, post-imperial predecessors, as well as characteristics and contradictions of Japanese policy towards an increasingly assertive China, the latent threat of North Korea, and the complex pressures of alliance with the US. Though the US alliance remains the core of Japanese strategy, new partnerships and initiatives shape JSDF roles within Tokyo’s burgeoning ‘Free and Open Indo-Pacific’ Vision. The book deconstructs how the JSDF have adapted and will continue to adapt within domestic norms, caught between unresolved legacies of Japan’s imperial past and a dynamically shifting balance of future global power.

Garren Mulloy is Professor in the Faculty of International Relations and Graduate School of Asian Area Studies of Daito Bunka University, having previously taught at Keio University and the University of Tsukuba. Originally from Britain, he received his Doctorate from Newcastle University, has been a visiting scholar at Stanford University and the University of Cambridge, and has been researching Japanese (and British) politics, history, and defense/security issues for over twenty years. A new volume, co-edited with Dr. Catherine Jones (University of St. Andrews), East Asia, Peacekeeping Operations, and Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief, will be published later this year (Routledge/Taylor Francis India).

【Webinar Access】
To register, please RSVP to icas@tuj.temple.edu
Registration not required but helpful for organizers.

Join for free with the following link:
Meeting ID: 939 4622 6990

Institute of Contemporary Asian Studies

Center for Rule-Making Strategies
Yokosuka Council on Asia-Pacific Studies