Katsumasa Ihara is a visiting professor at the Center for Rule-making Strategies, Tama University. He is also a Manager at EY Strategy & Consulting.

Prior to joining EY, he worked for an American accounting consulting firm. Katsumasa received PhD in Engineering from Graduate School of Environment and Energy, Waseda University.

Specialized in Behavioral Science, he has been leading dozens of strategy and planning project for public and private sector to realize Behavioral insight Transformation (BX). In addition, he has been involved in a number of projects related to verification of national policy implementation and the design of national regulations in the climate change and energy efficiency space – e.g., policy proposal with behavioral economics and nudge for climate change and energy efficiency, and design and operation of certification systems for low-carbon technologies.

<Publication and Lectures>

  • “Carbon ZERO Climate Change Management” (in charge of Chapter 9, Climate Change and Behavioral Science)
  • Environmental Business Online
  • Clean Energy
  • Lectures at academic conferences (BECC JAPAN, Japan Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, etc.)