Dear friends,
We hope you can join us for this book talk.
Eyck Freymann: One Belt One Road Chinese Power Meets the World.

Moderator: Robert Dujarric, Temple University Japan.
Organized by Institute of Contemporary Asian Studies (ICAS, Temple University Japan), Center for Rule-making Strategy, Tama University and the Yokosuka Council on Asia-Pacific Studies (YCAPS).

From Sri Lanka to the shipyards of Greece, Eyck Freymann takes readers inside China’s One Belt One Road initiative. He argues that OBOR is not a centralized and systematic policy. Rather, it is a largely aspirational and sometimes ad hoc campaign to export an ancient Chinese model of patronage and tribute.
Inside China, propaganda depicts President Xi restoring the nation’s lost imperial glory. Overseas, China uses massive investments to cultivate relationships with local politicians and political parties. The strategy is working. Drawing on primary documents in five languages, numerous interviews, and on-the-ground case studies, Freymann shows that China is more often successfully attracting willing partners than preying on victims.
Eyck is a DPhil candidate in China Studies at the University of Oxford. He has worked as a research assistant to Graham Allison at Harvard, to Niall Ferguson at the Hoover Institution, to Paul Haenle at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; and to Shi Zhiqin at Tsinghua University. He holds an MPhil from the University of Cambridge, where he was a Henry Scholar; an AM in Asian Studies from Harvard, where he won the Joseph Fletcher Memorial Prize for the top thesis on Asia; and an AB in East Asian History with highest honors, also from Harvard. His work has been published or cited in the press. His One Belt One Road: Chinese Power Meets the World has just been published by Harvard University Press (

Please click here and register now! (deadline Nov.13)


Robert Dujarric
Co-Director, ICAS
Temple University Japan

Brad Glosserman
Visiting Professor at the CRS, Tama University and Senior Adviser at Pacific Forum

Akira Igata
Executive Director
CRS, Tama University

John Bradford
Executive Director