Dr. Yoshiaki ICHIKAWA (Yoshi) is a visiting professor of CRS, Tama University.

He received his Dr. Eng. degree in 1987 from the University of Tokyo. After joining Hitachi, Ltd. in 1979, he has focused on researching maintenance technologies for nuclear power plants and robotics. He has established a solution business for environmental protection in 1995. In 2000, he started providing support tools and consulting services in the environmental field to top managements of leading companies in Japan.

His international activities include the former chair of IEC TC111 (Environmental Standardization), member of IEC ACEA (Advisory Committee on Environmental Aspects), the chair of ISO TC 268/SC1 (Smart Community Infrastructures), an expert of ISO TC207 (Environmental Management), Observer at CENELEC, and Co-chair of GHG protocol WG in World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).



『「ルール」徹底活用型ビジネスモデル入門 -SDGs対応を強みに変える-(第一法規出版)』




『PRTRの実務ノウハウ (オーム社)』






『第一法規 WES「製品環境規制とグローバルスタンダード」』


Special Seminar: Rule-making Strategies